These photos were all shot with my AE-1 35mm. I'm not that great of a photographer but I enjoy it. When a picture turns out it makes it that much better. This has nothing to do with t-shirts but it does have to do with CREATION&DESTRUCTION.
This is my nephew Hunter, at this age of his life he for some reson didn't like the inside of my parents house so much. He would cry and scream, so I would pick him up and take him outside. Once I steped into the grass he would stop his crying and calm down. I figured this would be good to take some photos.
The heart and soul of O.K., Carter. This was taken last year and I think this was around the time we first rebuild twistys. This line has gone through some changes and even bigger changes are in the works.
This one of the golden gate was taken with my poloroid, it was the first photo I shot with it. Damaged (the band I'm in) went to record at the Dutch Oven. Craig the guy recording us was up until recently the world champion air guitarest. He was a really cool guy, we only took half of his day so he took half off the price. I love this photo.
This sunflower was grown from a sunflower seed my
grandmother planted behind her home on my parents property,I've always really liked sunflowers, they make me
happy and so does this photo.
My good friend Joey "boots", this was The Separations last show of their first full U.S. tour. Damaged play as well as Reno's Out of Reach, Contend, and one other local band whose name I have forgot. The show was at FortRyland in Reno. I love this house.
This one was shot at kinda like a fest, this was a
really great show. I shot some of PUNCH but the
majority of the action photos I take never come
out that great, so still life is what I enjoy most. even if I cut some dead flowers off.
This was at a show in Miles garage, I can't recall who else played or when it was, but i do remember my flash not going off. but I think its still a pretty cool pic.